One of the best parts about being the corporate blogger for Capitol Media Solutions is that it gives me a valid excuse for indulging in my love for reading blogs. Reading blogs provides us the opportunity to stay current in this always changing media landscape and it allows us to experience some of the amazingly brilliant and creative work that other professionals in the industry are putting out there. There are some great go-to industry blogs and magazines Ad Age, Ad Week, Mashable, NY Times, but we’d like to feature some lesser known marketing blog sites. Many of these are niche-specific, for example AdStruc is a blog about outdoor advertising, primarily because they work primarily in one area of media buying. These are just a few of the places we media strategists like to go to stay current, do research and find creative inspiration.
So without further ado here is Capitol Media Solution’s list of the Top 20
- Media Life Magazine: Perhaps the one blog on this list devoted specifically to the profession and nuances of media buying. Media Life covers the media spectrum, but arguably does its best work when covering the ins and outs, people and campaigns of TV and radio media buying. Each week, however they spotlight an ubercreative, unconventional alternative marketing piece typically outdoor.
- MDG Advertising: This South Florida advertising agency specializes in design and creative, and has managed to design and create a pretty comprehensive blog complete with short, but informative reads and perhaps one of my favorite minimal blog layouts.
- Creative Guerilla Marketing: Experiential marketing has become a relatively popular way for brands to create memorable impressions of their brand by creating experiences. This blog spotlights some of the best unconventional and experiential marketing.
- AdStruc: AdStruc is a company specializing in matching outdoor advertising with advertisers, so naturally their blog is devoted to featuring some of the most creative wallscapes, static and digital billboard advertising. This is a fun read for ad geeks like me, but also provides lots of information.
- Marketing Think: We were first introduced to Gerry Moran’s marketing and social media blog by accident, but boy are we glad that we did. Moran’s Marketing Think blog is a wealth of information on social media and how best to leverage it for sales and lead generating.
- Ads of the World: Let me warn you that this site can and will suck you in and can easily steal a few hours of productivity perusing the the best in traditional print, digital, outdoor and even TV ads. This is perhaps the one comprehensive archive site for ad creative from all over the world. The site is easily searchable by ad format, industry, and even geography.
What are some of your favorite advertising and media buying related blogs?